Friday, April 10, 2009

Conscious of thorny plants (Putri Malu)

"Putri malu" or scientific language in Mimosa pudica L. is a plant with leaves that characterize close by itself when touched and re-opened after some time. This thorny plant is included in the classification of plant seeds is closed (angiospermae) and there is a chip plant in the two groups. Leaved plants, compound leaves and be bordered by a flat lie leaves the face and included in the pod race.

This plant has many names are in accordance. Makahiya of them (the Philippines, the shame), Mori Vivi (West Indies), nidikumba (Sinhala, meaning to sleep), mate-Loi (Tonga, the quasi-dead). In Chinese this means that the grass plants shy. Pudica own language in latin means for shame or shrink.
The uniqueness of this plant is when the leaf is touched, be blown, or heat will soon close. This is caused by the change in turgor pressure leaves the bones. Excitative also be felt in the leaves not left out.

This movement is called seismonasti, which although influenced excitative touch (tigmonasti), for example, the movement tigmonasti leaves embarrassed daughter does not matter from which direction came the touch.

This plant is also close at sunset and split again after sunrise.

"Putri malu" close the plant leaves to protect themselves from animal plant eater (herbivora) who want to eat. Color the bottom of the plant leaves daughter shame more pale color, with a pale color indicates, was that animals want to eat the plants, this will think that plants have withered and become interested again to eat. benefits of the plants in this treatment alternativ many.
Part Used:
Leaves, roots, whole plants, fresh or dried.

Uses for:
1. Difficult to sleep (insomnia).
2. Channel breath inflammation (bronchitis).
3. High fever in children.
4. Herpes (dermatitis due to virus).
5. Worms (ascariasis).
6. Rheumatik.

15 - 60 grams, boiled.

Foreign usage:
Wound, purulent dermatitis (piodermi), herpes; fresh crop destroyed, be placed in areas where the illness.
1. Insomnia:
a. Mimosa pudica leaf 30 - 60 gr., Boiled. Drink.
b. - Mimosa pudica (the shock) 15 gr.
- Vemonia cinerea (mustard greens heaven) 15 gr.
- Oxalis repens (calincing) 30 gr., All boiled.

2. Chronic bronchitis:
a. Roots minosa pudica 60 gr. water and 600 cc., boiled with a small fire to 200 cc, divided 2 times drinking. 10 days is 1 kuur.
b. - Mimosa pudica 30 gr. - Roots peristrophe roxburghiana 10 gr., Boiled them, divided into 2 doses / day.

3. Cough with phlegm many:
Daughter root of shame 10 - 15 gr., Boiled.

4. Ascariasis:
Mimosa pudica 15 - 30 gr., Boiled.

5. Rheumatik:
15 gr Mimosa pudica root soaked in white wine for a 500 cc
2 weeks.


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

retreat-retreat the way back

Once you do this with an animal? Name of retreat-retreat in the Indonesian language. Animals according to this one some people are very disgusted, but some people found a drug that is derived for god ... still according to some opinions that develop, the animal is a highly nutritious medicines that, animals that live in the fine sand, and usually there are around the old houses. But when the sandy soil and dry the animals will be one very like it ....
Animals that contain property that drug, but what medicine? This animal appeared to be one of the drugs diabetics militus. How possible? You will not believe? Yes I also do not believe ... .. but what about the people who have to try it? In fact the powerful, this animal can reduce sugar and make the injury is not healed because of diabetes-cured dry and save you from abscission, but back again believe that this is not to believe .... And that is more horrific swallow animals in this condition alive then he will become a medicine .... What if the dead have been eaten new? Oho ... this animal appeared to be the poison is not good for the body ... therefore this animal swallowed alive ..
It is not easy to believe ... but if it is a medicine which I like, in order for health care .... Who dare to try? Please have some of this because my colleagues to try and succeed ... even though there is no medical research on this ....
Trust may be a drug that is 90% to make the whole body to improve the recovery metabolismenya so .... Medium is 10% animal its course. Back again that healing is a god then back again to ask him.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Beluntas, (Pluchea indica (L,) Less)

The name of the plant is to beluntas in Indonesia, this plant grows upright bush up to 1 M to 2 M, sometimes more. this fork a lot of plants, ribbed beduri soft and smooth. bluntas plants, including plants that grow wild in the badlands and the ugly. short leaf stalk, take location, the form of round eggs. the jagged edge leaves, flower color to unguan.

part used:
throughout the plant

chemical nature and effects farmakologis:
baunya characteristic bitter taste and

chemical contents: alkaloid, oil atsiri.

eliminate body odor, digestive disturbances in children and increase appetite, reduce heat, neck gland tuberculosis, rheumatik and Scabies.

Monday, February 2, 2009

"Anting-anting" Acalypha Australis L.

Many crops are accidentally discarded to the trash, that plant is a medicinal plant that can treat diseases that we are natural.
Acalypha Australis L. or in Indonesia, known by the name "earrings", or other name Tie Xian. own plant in Indonesia is only known by the name earrings, this herb is a plant season plant, portrait, high bar and around 30-50 cm. This plant usually grows in the street or in the land a wide field. oval leaf shape and leaf base tapering.
This small flower plants, flowers in pairs and a single leaf out of the axilla. the root of this plant is favored by dogs and cats.

Part used:
Throughout the plant, and can use be dry or wet.

Chemical nature and effects farmakologis:
Taste bitter, astrigen, and cool. anti-inflammation, and antibiotics hemostatik.

Benefits of this plant:
1. Dysentery basiler
2. Diarrhea, and indigestion
3. Vomiting blood, nosebleed, fecesbleed (melena), urinebleed (hematuria).
4. Malaria

For use, can be used as a drug outside and inside. the use of drugs outside of the fine and be placed on the bleeding wound, ulcer, and snakebite. whereas for the boiled and drunk.
so from now on you should never remove a plant, perhaps because the plant may be herbal medicines.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Ajeran the wild, but to heal

Who suspected what wild plants can be an effective drug that?
never know with the name "AJERAN" or latin name of Bidens pilosa L. Zhan jin yin or pan.
Ajeran, is a plant that grows wild in the height of 50-150 cm, or often used as an ornamental plant. Anjeran is a plant with the temperature or slightly shady hot and humid. stem square shape, the color green. At the base of leaf stalk there is a small leaf. flower stalk, with a white flower crown, with the rounded yellow pistil.

Local name:
hereuga, jaringan, ketul, ketul kebo, ketul sapi, hit, lancituwa.

The useful:
This part of the plant that can be used is the roots, leaves, or the entire plant.

womb chemicals found in this plant: Phytosterin-B

The benefits of this plant:
Infuenza, fever, sore throat (the virus), appendicitis, acute infection, Gastroenteritis, rheumatik joints, brain peritonitis, hemorrhoids and toothache.

This plant can also be used as the drug outside, used to gather dermatitis (Pyodermi), snake bites, beaten bruised, itchy, itchy. how to use the squash and fresh material to the field of pain.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

"ilalang" Imperata cylindrica L.

Grass with chronic shoot long and scaly, creep under the ground. shoots that appear in the soil spiked sharply, a similar mine thorns. Stem short, pitched up to the ground and flowers, are often part of the (red) purple, often with the length of hair below the book. High 0.2 - 1.5 m, in other places may be more.

The leaf-shaped blade (long ribbon) lancet spired, with a narrow base and shaped chute, 12-80 cm long, very rough, and be bordered by jagged edge, in the long base, with the bones and leaves a wide pale in the middle. Bouquet in the tassel, 6-28 cm long, with long blond child fascicle (white) lk. 1 cm, as a means through ear when ripe fruit

Local Name:
REGION NAME: Naleueng lakoe (Aceh); target (Gayo); Rih, Ri (Batak); Oo (Nias); Alalang, Hilalang, Ilalang (Minang kabau); Lioh (Lampung); Halalang, Tingen, Padang, Tingan, Puang , Buhang, locusts, Bolalang (Dayak); Eurih (Sunda); Alang-alang kambengan (Java); Kebut, Lalang (Madura); Ambengan, Lalang (BaIi); Kii, Rii (FIores); Padengo, Padanga (Gorontalo) ; Deya (Bugis); Erer, Muis, Wen (Seram); Weli, Welia, Wed (Ambon). FOREIGN NAME: Cogon grass, satintail (En). Paillotte (Fr). Malaysia: thatch, reed. Papua New Guinea: kunai (Pidgin), kurukuru (Barakau, Central Province). Philippines: kogon (Tagalog), gogon (Bikol), bulum (Ifugao). Burmese (Myanmar): kyet-mei. Cambodia: sbö ': w. Laos: hnha: kh'a z:. Thailand: ya-KHA, laa laeng, koe hee (Karen, Mae Hong Son). Vietnamese: c [or] tranh. NAME SIMPLISIA Imperatae Rhizoma; rimpang reed

Ecology and distribution
Reed can multiply quickly, with the seed-benihnya which spread quickly with the wind, or a trek through rimpang penetrate the soil loose. Contrary to the general belief, reed does not like to grow in poor soil, dry-stone or berbatu. Grass is pleased with the land that is fertile, many sunlit until quite calm, with a dry or humid conditions. In the lands that tarnish or submerged, or that always ternaungi, reed also did not want to grow. Weeds with the immediate former forest land that is damaged and open, the former field, the field dry up, curb and others. In places such reed can grow dominant and cover a wide area.
To a certain extent, vegetation fires can stimulate the growth of reed. shoot ilalang that grow after a fire favored by animal-animal eater grass, so that the lands used to ignite this kind are often used as a place to hunt.
Reed natural spread from India to east Asia, Southeast Asia, Micronesia and Australia. Now reed also found in northern Asia, Europe, Africa, the United States and in several islands. However, because these are the invasif, in many places reed often regarded as weeds that are making.
Type of relatives, Imperata clan members have about 8 or 9 species. Imperata cylindrica addition, several other types such as:
* Imperata brasiliensis - Brazilian bladygrass, Brazilian satintail
* Imperata brevifolia - California satintail
* Imperata conferta - plumegrass, kunay grass
* Imperata contracta - guayanilla
as weeds that are making.
One way to eradicate reed plant is the area with the types of trees that ulet, rapid growth, and has a feature that is relatively a meeting to form a fairly heavy shade. One of the recommendations is Gamal (Gliricidia spp.). Perhaps, the name "Gamal" has too ganyang dead reed.

Benefits for treatment
Rimpang: soft leather; exuviate urine, cleaning the blood, increase appetite, stopping bleeding. in addition, can also be used in the treatment efforts venereal disease (gonorrhea, urinating blood, syphilis), kidney disease, injury, fever, high blood pressure and nerve disease. All the plants used as animal feed, paper materials, and treatment for scabies.
Securities that are not in want: head sick, nausea, an increase risibility defecate, sometimes occurred in the use of clinic.
Only the root (rimpang) used for treatment

Roots: metabolit that have been found at the root of reed consists of arundoin, fernenol, isoarborinol, silindrin, simiarenol, kampesterol, stigmasterol, ß-sitosterol, skopoletin, skopolin, p-hidroksibenzaladehida, katekol, acid klorogenat, isoklorogenat acid, p-acid kumarat, neoklorogenat acid, acetate acid, oksalat acid, d-malat acid, citric acid, potassium (0.75% of dry weight), a large amount of calcium and 5-hidroksitriptamin. Other research results from the roots and leaves of the 5 kinds of derivative found that flavonoid derivative 3 ', 4' ,7-trihidroksi flavon, 2 ', 3'-dihidroksi kalkon and 6-hidroksi flavanol. A derivative of flavonoid, including the possibility flavon, flavonol tersubstitusi on the 3-0H, flavanon or isoflavon there is a faction in the extracts dissolved in etilasetat root reed. At the faction that extracts dissolved in water reed roots found the compound without flavon free OH group, flavon, flavonol tersubstitusi the 3-0H, flavanon, or isoflavon.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Green Cobek appear to help the world

HI ... when this blog green cobek will provide a blog about the world of herbal and traditional treatment is like many in the world at this time. therefore green cobek will try to show some parts of the world's health that are associated with plants and also info light treatment. a success of the "Green Cobek"